Maine inn boosts bookings with Members Only Deals

See how our Members Only Deals helped the owner of several boutique properties in Maine attract higher-value guests and drive a steady stream of bookings.

  2 properties in Bar Harbor, ME 

 45+ rooms 

  Expedia Group partner since 2015 

Attract high-value travelers

Use Members Only Deals to target 145 million+ travelers

Increase your revenue

Members Only Deals help properties increase their occupancy by an average of 27%.*

Challenge: Maintain a steady stream of bookings

Stephen Coston has a passion for restoring boutique properties. He owns several inns in Bar Harbor, Maine, that are popular with travelers exploring nearby Acadia National Park.

Since 2015, our platform has helped Stephen promote his properties and feel confident about his growing business.

He appreciates how easy it is to update each property’s information and policies. This frees him up to focus on other initiatives, including setting prices, responding to reviews, and helping innkeepers reach sales goals.

When it came to promoting the Inn on Mount Desert, Stephen wanted to cast as wide a net as possible — for several reasons. He was in the middle of a major renovation when the pandemic hit and was low on cash flow thanks to a string of pandemic-related cancellations.

As if that wasn’t stressful enough, the inn had once belonged to his grandfather. Stephen had worked at the property as a kid. Now, he wanted to do everything he could to optimize it for success.

“I use Members Only Deals to make sure I’m giving travelers every reason to choose my property. Offering this little hook to members gives me visibility with lots of high-quality travelers.”

Stephen Coston 

Owner / Operator, The Inn on Mount Desert and The Primrose

Solution: Attract guests with Members Only Deals

Stephen used Members Only Deals to offer special discounts to loyal travelers across the Expedia Group distribution network. These guests tend to spend more, stay longer, and book more frequently than other travelers.** He also found they tend to be happy travelers who give great reviews — exactly the type of guest he wanted to host!

Thanks to Partner Central’s intuitive interface, the Members Only Deals were easy to set up. Stephen also appreciated that he could stack these deals on top of existing promotions.

With this strategy, Stephen knew he was doing everything he could to attract high-value guests — and get more bookings for the Inn on Mount Desert.

Stephen plans to expand his portfolio. He knows that our promotions and tools will help him attract guests who are ready to book and appreciate all the amenities and charm his properties have to offer.

Ready to reach 145 million+ travelers?

Offer your best rates to our avid travelers today!

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